Virginia Continues to Trend from Red to Blue

Bengali Herald Desk Report
or all the political junkies following how Virginia has and continues to trend from Red to Blue, consider these facts:
Since 1993 when Virginia gained the 11th seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, there was only a single 2-year term when Democrats held 7 to Republicans’ 4 seats: 1993-1995.
For half of those 26 years (exactly 13), Democrats held only 3 out of 11 seats, while during the rest of the 13 years, Democrats held 4, 5 or 6 seats.
Starting in 2019, there will be 7 Democratic seats to 4 Republican seats.
And this new delegation will include the most number of Virginia women (3) serving together in the same Congressional term.
Since 1993, Virginia has held 36 statewide elections for positions of President, U.S. Senate, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General.
Republicans have won 17 out of 36 seats, while Democrats have won 19.
But 11 of those 19 statewide Democratic victories took place just in the past 7 years.
Republicans haven’t won a single statewide election since 2009.